Our Stories Unleashed

Your Influence Matters

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God is at work in a mighty way in our church, in Fort Worth and in our world. You are an integral part of that work. God intentionally and specifically places people in your realm of relationship and in your area of life. You have influence. You have life within you. You have hope within you. And you are surrounded by a world of people hungry to hear and see that life and hope. People you don’t even know are praying for YOU to share the love of Christ with their loved ones. Peter...

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Posted by Caroline Poe with 1 Comments

VBS 2019 Highlights

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Thank you to everyone who participated in "Into the Wild" VBS 2019! We had an incredible week to remember. Here is a highlight video to show you some of the fun! 

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Words, Thoughts and Deeds

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"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So, glorify God in your body." 1 CORINTHIANS 6:19-20 (ESV) I often forget that I am actually not my own. It sure feels like it, though. I have my own house, my own car, my own family, my own money …  and the list goes on. However, the only true thing that I HAVE – that I really POSSESS – is salvation...

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Posted by Matt Bowen with 1 Comments

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